“So, what’cha need, friend?” Mav says as he smiles up to Konta from the doorstep. Readily, Konta opens the door and welcomes his friend in. Because of that, it’s only about 5 minutes later that Maverick comes knocking. The wait isn’t long at all due to the two being next door neighbors. Maverick picks up his phone, saying “Hey Konta, how goes?” With a smile, Konta replies “Everything’s going well, I was wondering if you could come over to do me a quick favor.” “Sure,” Mav replies, “I’ll be right over.” “Great,” Konta says, “see you soon.” He then hangs up and waits. Pressing the quick dial button, he then just sits and waits for his friend to pick up. This friend is a wolf, named Maverick (or Mav for short). Knowing just who to call, Konta pulls out his cell phone and scrolls through his contacts until he finds the friend he’s looking for. Right now, it’s time to prepare for the date coming as it’s only a few hours away. That reason is that it’s date night, the one night every month, where he, and his mate, Jala, go out on a date. Tonight is going to be a special night for Konta for one reason alone. I left the ending a little open-ended to let you use your imagination a little. My main OC, Jala (Not my FA profile OC) is mentioned but not present. It's a couple grand.This is a story where a friend of mine, named Maverick (AKA Mav) becomes food to my bf, Konta. Sentience binding being much cheaper but no drop in the bucket. Reformation being something like tens of thousands of dollars. In this world reforming and sentience after digestion exist but they are expensive. Without all the dangers of co-ed life on campus she might actually have a perfect pass rate. This year she's hoping for no failures since everyone is learning from home and class is meeting on Zoom. She's used to failing a few students every semester, some from lack of attendance after being digested and others from digesting someone else which also earns you a failing grade. It's one of those gen-eds everyone has to take. Miss DiFranco teaches the vore prevention, safety and counseling class at her state's college. Absorption Breast Vore Casual vore Cleavage Vore Cock Vore Consensual vore Cum Digestion Cum Transformation Digestion Disposal Disposal Scat Fatal Femcum Futa pred Futa/F Futa/M Futanari H/F H/M Herm Pred Hermaphrodite Oral Vore photomanip Picture and Story Scat Sentient Sentient Disposal sentient fat thigh vore Unbirth Weight Gain Willing writing written work